General FAQ
This FAQ contains common questions and answers about all apps.
Table of Contents
Portal Migration Suite Q/A’s
When using the Portal-to-Portal migrator app, is data copied from the source portal into the destination portal? Is data ever created, deleted or modified in the source portal?
To answer your question, it migrates data from the source and does not add, remove, or delete data from the source. Our app does not request “write” or “delete” permissions from the source portal, only “read” permissions.
How does the migration take place with the Migrator Suite?
Please read this if you have not already.
What does your Portal Migrator app not migrate?
The following data will not be migrated due to API limitations:
- Campaign Data
- Historical marketing email Sends
- Historical web traffic data
- Properties with the same name but a different type in each portal
- Active lists that reference things that do not exist in the destination portal post migration.
- Deactivated users that still own records
- CTAs
- Landing Pages
- Sales Sequences
- Quotes
- Ready to be sent emails in Draft Mode
- Forms submissions data
- Reports
- Dashboards
- Campaigns
- Views
- Permissions
- Property change history
- Comments made on object records
The following components of HubSpot are also not covered by the data migration but can be migrated manually:
- Website pages
- Landing pages
- Thank you pages
- Blog posts
- Campaigns
- Email subscriptions
- Sequences
If you are interested in assistance with a manual migration of the assets listed above, please let us know and we will connect you to the right person to speak with about that.
I need to run the portal migrator app again. How can I do that?
The app is a single use license. You will have to pay for the app again and go through the same installation and checkout process you went through before.
I need to only migrate some data not all of it.
Our app can filter data by pipeline and Business unit if you use the Pro version.
If you need to be more granular in filtering out specific data records, we recommend opting for the Enterprise version of the Migrator app as it has the Selective Sync option which allows you to select specific records you do or do not want migrated.
I need to migrate from/to a business unit.
The Pro and Enterprise versions of the HubSpot-to-HubSpot migrator allow you to migrate data to and from a Business unit.
Does the Portal Migrator app migrate engagements data? Meetings, notes, tasks events etc.
Yes, it does. You can read more about how our Migrator app operates here:
Each side has several paid sales enterprise seats. Once the instances are merged (migrated), will the paid seats from both sides remain paid seats?
Our app does not migrate paid seat assignments or purchase them in the target portal. You will have to purchase the enterprise seats you need and assign them to the users in the target portal that need them.
Will contacts or any records in the origin/source portal be deleted during the migration?
To answer that question, no.
When using our migrator app, it copies and migrates (transfers) data from the source; it does not remove it or delete it. Our app does not request write or delete permissions from the source portal, only read permissions.
I highly recommend that you/your customer read the HubSpot-to-HubSpot Migrator Integration Guide and the HubSpot Migrator FAQ as it goes into further detail and may answer some commonly asked question that may come up in the future.
Do original dates for communications, deals, activity, etc. stay intact once migrated, or are all dates reset to the migration date?
To answer that question, some of them will stay intact and some of them won't. It depends on if it is a read only calculated date field or not. If it is not read only, then it will migrate. The one exception to this is we can retain the original deal and ticket creation date.
Does the Migrator move call recordings and call records (engagements) or only call records?
To answer that question, they can move both call records and call recordings as long as it’s recordings from HubSpot’s native calling feature and not from a third-party app.
To add to that, custom call/meeting types cannot be migrated via API’s. If they have custom call/meeting types, they will need to manually recreate those in the destination portal prior to the migration. Otherwise, the records with the custom call type will not migrate.
Does the Migrator app also migrate property history?
To answer that question, no, it does not include property change history. It only takes current values.
The app, unfortunately, is not capable of migrating property change history due to HubSpot API limitations.
Please let us know if there are any further questions, comments, or concerns.
Thank you.
Is there a limit to the amount of records that can be migrated from one portal to another?
There is no limit to the number of records you can migrate for contacts, companies, etc.
Schema Replicator Q/A’s
Is it possible to migrate the schema first so that we can recreate the forms and the workflows that don't get migrated and then once we have that manual replication work done, run the migration tool to fill in the data. Is the schema tool just the same as what is used in the migration tool?
Yes, you can do this. There is absolutely no issue with using both apps.
Connector/Database Sync Q/A's
In my DealStageHistory table, the values of the “hs_time_in_*******” cells don't make sense to me. What do the numbers mean?
Time is stored in milliseconds in the DealStageHistory table when referring to fields such as hs_time_in_*******
For example, a value of 853380 would convert from milliseconds into approx. 14.2 minutes.
How do I tell the last time my connector has synced? What time zone does my data sync?
To track your scheduled resyncs/refreshes, you can use the "SyncHistory" table that is provided by our Connector app. With this table, you will see when each individual table has initiated its scheduled resync in UTC date/time format. You can use this data to approximate when each subsequent scheduled resync will occur.
Please note that the initiation times for each table may vary slightly as each individual table undergoes its respective scheduled refresh one at a time to prevent server overload.
It's also important to note if you are not aware already that all date/time records across all tables are stored and displayed using UTC format. You may either have to take the time change between your local time and UTC into account when searching for a specific date/time record or you may have to make a query in your reporting tool that adds or removes the number of hours needed to match your local time.
Why are the times off in my datetime fields?
All datetime fields are reported in UTC. This is how HubSpot stores all times in their backend database. To adjust the times to your time zone simply make a query in your reporting tool that adds or removes the number of hours needed to match your local time.
When should I schedule my refresh?
If possible, you should try to schedule your refreshes in your BI tool of choice at least an hour or two after the normal sync time for your service. This depends on what version of the app you have. Otherwise, if you refresh before your sync is complete, some of the tables may not yet be completely up to date.
Does the app sync Notes, Emails, Tasks, and meetings?
Yes, it does. These are all located inside the Engagements table. You can use the “Type” field/column to filter out engagement types and sub types so that you only use what you need in your reports/integrations.
Can I change my sync (refresh) time? Can I change the time zone change for my sync (refresh)?
The system we have in place automatically assigns the scheduled resyncs/refreshes for our users. Currently, we do not allow daily resync users to change their sync time.
If you require the ability to adjust your scheduled resync time, you will need to upgrade your subscription to the 6-hour refresh rate plan or higher
Can I write data to the Connector Database for my app?
The database we provide you with also only has read access. If you require read/write/modify and would like full control of your database, you can use our Database Sync app to do so.
Who do property or field names differ between HubSpot and the Connector App? Why do properties or fields appear to be missing from my queries?
If your property names or labels in the Connector app don't match what you see in HubSpot—or if you notice missing fields—this is likely due to differences in how property names are handled.
The Connector app extracts property names from HubSpot based on their internal (API) names, not the front-end labels you’re accustomed to in your HubSpot portal. This discrepancy can occur because the internal names don’t always align with the front-end labels, particularly for custom properties.
How to Locate Internal Property Names in HubSpot
To identify and cross-reference the internal names of your properties, follow these steps:
Open Property Settings
- Go to your HubSpot portal, then navigate to Settings > Data Management > Properties.
Select an Object Type
- Use the "Select an object" dropdown menu at the top of the screen to choose the type of property you’re searching for (e.g., Contact, Company, or Deal properties).
Search for the Property
- In the Search properties bar on the left, type the name of the property you’re looking for. You can also use filters in the dropdown menu to narrow your search.
View Internal Names
- Click on the property label (name) in the search results. A pop-up window will appear. In this window, you’ll find the property’s internal name displayed.
Next Steps
- If you’re unable to locate specific properties, please share screenshots of the internal names so we can investigate further.
- To ensure the data in your Connector app is accurate and up to date, you may find it helpful to review the raw data in a report or spreadsheet.
Why is the data in my CampaignEmailEvent table different from what I see in HubSpot?
HubSpot by default filters out data it believes to be created by a bot, our system retrieves all data and provides you with the ability to filter it out yourself with the "filteredevent" field in your CampaignEmailEvent table.
Do your apps sync historical data? Is the sync retroactive? Or do they only sync new data?
Our apps are all retroactive and sync all historical data. However, our Portal Migration Suite app does have some limitations around historical data syncing. This can be read about here.
I added a new property to HubSpot. When will it appear in my database, and will that happen automatically?
New properties are automatically added to your connector database at your next scheduled resync.
How do the tables relate? I have a bunch of ID’s and I am missing the labels. How do I join the data? Why are there IDS in a field instead of the labels? How do I connect the tables? How do I relate the data between tables? I just have a bunch of numbers where there should be data?
These documents explain how all the tables relate. They show the keys that you can use to connect the tables. The reason it has been set up like this is because this Is how HubSpot’s backend stores the data. When you are working in HubSpot it dynamically displays the labels of things but in the backend, it is all connected with these ID’s. We replicate this so you have an accurate representation of your HubSpot Database.
Do you have social media data?
Yes we do have this data. It is available in the Campaign Metrics table.
Which fields could we utilize and monitor to detect the daily changes? And what time usually the update/change happen?
The recommended method is to use the SyncHistory Table to see the last time every table got synced/refreshed. The time stamps that show the sync time are in UTC format.
The other way you can do this is to use the “lastmodifieddate” to detect when a specific row is updated on a given table. That field has several naming conventions because the APIs are all different. It may be named something else on the table but will be similar enough (e.g., last_modified_date, hs_last_modified_date, etc.). The lastmodifieddate does not exist on every table so you can only use this method on some of the tables. Which is why we recommend using the Sync History Table.
I'm a Mac User and all documentation received points to needing to connect to POWER BI via the downloaded instance, however, I can't get POWER BI on my Mac. Do you have other options beyond VPN/Virtual device? I'd prefer to just integrate via the cloud instance of Power BI.
Unfortunately, PowerBI online cannot accept MS SQL Server as a source when creating a new data set.
However, if you were to create a PowerBI Desktop file, then load all the tables from our connector service into it, then publish that file into the cloud you would then have access to the HubSpot PowerBI connector data set in the cloud.
You will need to schedule the refresh in PowerBI online once it has been set up.
Do you have (or know if HubSpot has) a metadata guide? I've seen the table connections diagram, but I'm wondering if there's anything more detailed. Specifically, I'm wondering where ad information is stored.
Yes we have a document that contains detailed information about each table and field. It can be found here.
I would like to test Database Sync for HubSpot, but I would need the IP range so I whitelist it on Azure/We are looking to use HubSpot Data Sync, are you able to provide a list of IP addresses which will be used to access the database please?
All our data warehouses are hosted in Microsoft Azure. Our entire IP range must be approved; it is not a static IP address.
The ranges can be found here in the Database Sync setup guide.
The app is hosted in the EU West Region if you selected EU during setup, and the Central US region if you selected US.
Can you help me to validate the synchronization of the tables? We are missing some data.
Please provide examples of the missing data to
What type of properties history tables are provided by the connector?
Our connector apps can export the following properties history tables:
- Ticket Properties History
- Deal Properties History
- Contact Properties History
- Company Properties History
- Engagements Properties History (Calls, Communications, One-to-One Emails, Meetings, Notes, Postal Mail, Tasks)
- Custom Object Properties History
- Products Properties History
- Line Items Properties History
- Leads Properties History
How do I connect/merge/join tables together?
When joining tables, you can use the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) below to assist you with mapping the relationships between the tables.
Here is our ERD that shows how all the tables are related.
Do I need my computer or IP address added to a whitelist in order to connect to the server?
The server is accessible, and you do not need to be added to a whitelist.
It's possible that a firewall or security setting in your network or VPN is still preventing the connection. In this case, you will need to reach out to your IT department for assistance. Ask them to consider opening Outbound TCP Port 1433, which is the default port our servers operate on.
It's important to note that our service is fully operational, and we do not block users from accessing their Connector databases.
Also, double check to make sure you entered the database credentials correctly.
I am trying to download the driver to allow me to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server and enter my credentials, but Tableau's link to download the corresponding driver isn't correct (it keeps bringing me to a support page). Can you please direct me to where I can download the driver I need? I'm using a Mac OS with 64-bit processor.
You can visit this page. And if you cannot find it there you may have to open at ticket with Tableau support or your IT Department.
How do I get the information from a specific owner ID? I know that each owner’s ID represents someone from the company, but I don’t know who or where to look for that ID so I can create a special field and assign a name in Tableau. Could you please help me out to find these HubSpot Owner ID info?
To get the owners data that is related to the OwnerID you must relate the OwnerID to the Owners table in your Connector Database. This diagram shows the relationships between all the tables. Once you relate it you can drag information from your Owners table into your visuals.
And this document defines all the tables.
See the section called "Associations Tables" as it explains how to connect many of the tables together.
Here is how to relate data in Tableau.
I hope that helps!
Please let us know if you have other questions.
We need to use an MS SQL server to manipulate data before connecting to Tableau cloud. For that, we need SQL IDE to write queries. Right now, it's just acting as a connector for Tableau.
If you need to be able to do that you can sign up for our Database Sync app instead of our Tableau Connector.
The Database Sync app contains all the same data as the Tableau connector but instead of us providing the MS SQL server you can bring your own that you have full control over. That way you can write and run as many queries to manipulate data as you would like before putting it into Tableau.
I want an SQL IDE. If we go with the Database sync app, does it provide the SQL IDE interface?
All our Database Sync app does is provide the means to connect your HubSpot data to your SQL server and refreshes it on a recurring basis depending on which refresh plan you subscribe to.
We do not provide a SQL IDE that is specific to us. Most of our users use interfaces like SSMS or Adminer. SSMS is free and provided by Microsoft. If you use Database Sync and provide your own MS SQL Server for us to sync data to, you can query and edit it with SSMS as much as you would like.
I hope this answers your question. Please let us know if there are any further questions comments or concerns.
Regarding exporting Webpage data, is it possible to export html code?
To answer that, while our apps do export the URL and the website page analytics and the means to identify each webpage record in their export, our apps do not export html code.
It appears that that the “CampaignEmailEvents” table has some false positive data on CLICKS. In my “CampaignEmailEvents” table, it is showing click data, but it is not matching what I am seeing in HubSpot.
Those are not false positives. To be clear our app is incapable of creating data. Those are what are known as filtered events or potential Bot Events. HubSpot has a system that attempts to automatically detect what it considers to be bot opens. You can turn it on and off in HubSpot. Those clicks were flagged by HubSpot as potential bot opens. You can see if an event is filtered by looking at the "FilteredEvent" column and filtering report to show "True". If that column is true then it is considered a bot event by HubSpot, but it was still an event that occurred just maybe not by a human or even a human very quickly. You can filter out all the filtered events by adding a filter in your report to exclude "FilteredEvent" when it equals true if you don’t want to see any of those records.
If you do that then the numbers will match up with a slight variation for contacts deleted as the click data is saved in the API but hidden in the HubSpot UI.
In short, our system is actually returning all of your data accurately. HubSpot just hides the filtered events, but you can toggle it on and off in the HubSpot UI if you want. HubSpot calls it Bot Filtering. You can read about it here.
I hope that provides clarity. Please let us know if there are any further questions, comments, or concerns.
What if I need to use a custom port other than 1433 to connect to Database Sync?
If you require the use of a custom port other than port 1433 to connect to Database Sync, you will need to enter both the server address along with the port you will be using in the following manner: <serveraddress>,<port>. Just be sure to remove the "<>".
Will my syncs run faster if I choose the faster refresh rate plans?
To answer that, yes, it may be able to run faster on a faster refresh rate plan as there are less updates it would have to make to existing data records between each sync cycle. How much faster, I cannot say for certain as it differs from database to database.
Connectivity Issues Q/A’s
I have not received my connector details yet, where are they?
These would have been automatically emailed to you a few minutes after signing up. You can also retrieve them by visiting and selecting your app.
PowerBI says it failed to connect to master.
The reason you are seeing this error message is because it is likely due to how you connected. In your first attempt to connect, you likely did not apply the settings to your specific database but instead to the server as a whole.
To fix this, first thing you will need to do is to go to the top left hand corner of the screen and click on "File" > "Options and Settings" > "Data source settings" .
Then, select the database you were attempting to connect and click on the "Clear permissions" button below. It will display a "Clear Permissions" confirmation window asking if you want to clear permissions for this entry. Select "Delete". This will clear up the existing attempts to allow you to connect completely.
Once that is done, please review the following setup guide as it details the step-by-step instructions on how to properly connect your HubSpot portal to your Connector database to your reporting tool. It is highly recommended that you follow the instructions in the setup guide as closely as possible.
I hope this helps to clarify things. Please let us know if there are any further questions comments or concerns.
There have been a couple of alerts we've noticed recently where the tables exceeded the regular times to refresh that we would expect. We were curious if your team may be working through some bugs or other maintenance items that could be causing the delays. Would you be able to provide any insight for us?
To answer your question, sometimes tables can take longer to sync depending on the volume of updates. It can also be because Azure does an update to their app services it restarts the existing process.
This is the reason we run update deployments over the weekend; so that it does not cause disruption for our customers’ business.
We log our maintenance windows here so you can see our history of updates.
I hope that provided some clarity. Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions comments or concerns.
Ultimate Data Export Q/A’s
Where can I find notes, tasks, sales emails, meetings, calls in my export?
These are all located inside the Engagements table. There are type columns that you can use to filter out engagement types and sub types so that you only use what you need in your reports/integrations.
Administrative Q/A’s
Is the app GDPR Compliant?
All our apps are GDPR compliant.
If your billing address is located outside of North America, the server will be in Microsoft Azure’s EU West Data Center which is in Amsterdam. The app service to control the sync is located with your server.
Our terms and conditions contain links to our DPA and our SCCs.
I need to change my database password.
Please visit pick the app you are using. From there you can reset your own password.
Unsubscribe me please/I need to cancel my subscription.
If you are looking to cancel your subscription, you can do so by logging in to your account at to view your subscription status and details as well as cancel your subscription.
Please note that your subscription will remain active upon cancelling your subscription until the end of the current monthly billing period. At which point, the scheduled resyncs of your HubSpot data will stop and your Connector database will automatically be purged and permanently be deleted from our systems.
Let us know if there are any further questions comments or concerns.
Where is the database located?
The database is located based on your billing address.
If you are located outside of North America, the server will be in Microsoft Azures EU West Data Center which is in Amsterdam.
If you are in North America, your database will be in Microsoft Azures Central US Data Center. The app service to control the sync is located with your server.
If you are using our Database Sync app, you control where the server is located. The app service location is defined at setup.
Please provide details on encryption standards for data in transit and data at rest.
We use OATH 2.0 to connect to HubSpot and TLS 1.2. All Databases are always encrypted while data is “in transit” and at rest.
We use transparent data encryption on our Azure SQL Databases which encrypt the entire database using an AES encryption algorithm. The database encryption key is protected by a built-in server certificate.
I want to change the HubSpot account (portal) my app / Connector is connected to.
To do this please visit and select your app and click the re-authorize button. This will allow you to change the portal you are connected too.
Not able to access the site/I’m locked out of my account.
That error occurs when you try to log in to the website 5 times using the wrong username or password. We lock out users for 30 minutes when that happens for security purposes. If you do not remember your password, we recommend doing a password reset so this does not happen again. If that is the case, please let us know so that we can assist you with that
We would like to reactivate our account. How should we proceed?
We will be happy to assist you with this.
If you log in to, you can reactivate your service by clicking the “Resubscribe” button. Whomever is re-activating the account will need to be a Super Admin that is assigned to your HubSpot portal because it will ask you to re-authenticate the app.
If the original owner is no longer part of your organization and you need access to that account reset, please let us know.
I need more/specific information on security protocols so that a survey can be completed, can you please help me?
Good afternoon.
This is the HelpDesk and I'll be happy to assist you.
I understand that you wish to know more about our security protocols surrounding customers' information.
As a point of reference, we do not fill out third-party security surveys just as a matter of policy. Our Connector and Database Sync apps are a low cost, month-to-month solution and as such, it is not economical for us to do so.
Our apps have already been certified by HubSpot, meaning it has undergone a thorough security review and we are also SOC2 certified. If you would like to have a copy of our SOC2 report to help you complete your assessment, we will need you to sign our non-disclosure agreement.
With that said, I would be happy to share the following documents with you to review.
Please let us know if there are any further questions comments or concerns.
Is your service down or experiencing an outage? Is your service online?
You can view our service status here