HubSpot Portal Migration Suite of Apps
- Introduction
- Please read before you begin
- Read-Only Standard Fields
- Property Group Filtering
- Pipeline Filtering
- Pipelines and HubSpot Features limited by license tier
- Workflow Migration (Beta)
- Marketing Email Migration
- HubSpot to HubSpot Migrator
- HubSpot Schema Replicator
- HubSpot Portal Toolkit
- HubSpot Portal Sync
- HubSpot Beta API's
- How to Uninstall the App
- App Functions
The HubSpot to HubSpot Migrator transfers your schema and data from the Source HubSpot portal to the Target HubSpot portal. This application is GDPR Compliant and hosted/processed in the EU.
The HubSpot Schema Replicator only copies your HubSpot Schema from the Source HubSpot portal into the Target HubSpot portal. It does not copy data. Only the configuration/setup of certain parts of HubSpot.
The HubSpot Portal Toolkit is designed to allow you to easily perform an unlimited amount of data migrations as often as you would like. Its perfect for merging portals, creating change sets, testing apps in dev accounts, or deploying templated sets of data to multiple portals.
Portal Sync continuously syncs data between multiple HubSpot Portals. This application is designed to sync data automatically between two or more HubSpot portals. Great for users with the need to push data between multiple HubSpot portals on a recurring basis.
Please read before you begin
Please ensure that you are a Super Admin in HubSpot before initiating the migration process or it may fail to complete.
You can visit to start/stop/restart your migration/replication and to the status of your migration/replication. You can also review historical runs of the app in the user panel.
The app is a single use license so if you need to run multiple migrations you will have to purchase the app again. We do offer volume discounts and if you reach out to our support team they will discuss that with you. Please be aware of this before proceeding with purchasing the tool.
Read-Only Standard Fields
All of the default and custom properties that can be written will automatically map over during migration, but unfortunately there are some historical data points such as “Became a Customer On” and “Original Source Drill-Down” that are Read-Only formulas. Those we cannot write into the destination portal and therefore they will not map but rather “recalculate” the formula upon completion of the migration. The same applies to web analytics as that data is all read only and it is just not possible to write that to another portal. The source portals Deal "Created Date" property, and Ticket "Created Date" property will be migrated to the destination portal.
However if you are worried about losing that information don't worry! Our tool Ultimate Data Export exists to export all of that data and more out of HubSpot so that you still have access to that data for reporting purposes during the transition period.
Property Group Filtering
Only Available in the Schema Replicator, Pro, Enterprise, and Portal Sync versions of the Portal Migration Suite.
This function allows for the filtering of properties within selected property groups. This allows you to define which properties you want to migrate/replicate via their inclusion in a specific property group. If you only want to migrate/replicate a select set of properties simply assign them to the same property group or groups that you want to migrate/replicate. Then the app will only migrate/replicate the properties in the selected groups.
If you wish to migrate/replicate everything for a given object, select no options during this step.
The following property definitions and the data for these properties are always migrated regardless of your selections below in order to ensure the migration can be completed.
- Contact Name
- Contact Email
- Business Unit Assignment when applicable
- Company name
- Company Domain
- Business Unit Assignment when applicable
- Deal Name
- Deal Pipeline
- Deal Pipeline Stage
- Business Unit Assignment when applicable
- Ticket Name
- Ticket Pipeline
- Ticket Pipeline Stage
- Business Unit Assignment when applicable
- Product Name
- Billing Frequency
- Unit Price
- Name
- Pipeline
- Stage
- Deal/Contact Association
Pipeline Filtering
Only Available in the Schema Replicator, Pro, Enterprise and Portal Toolkit versions of the Portal Migration Suite.
This function allows for the filtering of pipelines. This allows you to define which pipelines and records within those pipelines that you want to migrate/replicate. If you only want to migrate/replicate select pipelines then you should select which pipelines you want.
If you wish to migrate/replicate all pipelines and records for a given object, select no options during this step.
Pipelines and HubSpot Features limited by license tier
If you have the standard sales pipeline with the internal name of default in the source and destination portal the app will merge these two pipelines as part of the migration process. Please move the data in the source portal into a different pipeline if you do not want them to merge. All custom pipelines will merge from the source to the destination without issue. Beyond just pipelines the migrator will abide by the limitations set by the HubSpot API. It is your responsibility to understand those limitations before proceeding.
Please also note that depending on your version of HubSpot not all pipelines may be able to migrate. This is due to the aforementioned limitations Imposed by HubSpot and is not a deficiency in our tool. To circumvent this you must insure the total quantity of pipelines that will end up in the source is within those limitations. Generally speaking you should only be concerned about this if you are migrating to a Free or Starter HubSpot portal.
You can read about those limitations and more here
Workflow Migration (Beta)
This feature is powered by a Beta API. HubSpot may change how this API works at any time with no advance warning. We highly recommend you review the Workflows after migrating them and before turning them on. Some Workflows may unexpectedly not migrate due to this Beta status and we cannot guarantee they will all migrate at this time. This is because there may be edge cases that prevent workflow migration that would have to be resolved by an API update on the HubSpot side.
Below are some key points about the Workflows Migration and how it works.
- Workflows are migrated in a deactivated state.
- Workflows are only created as new Workflows due to HubSpot API limitations.
- Existing Workflows cannot be updated by the app due to HubSpot API limitations.
- If a duplicate or workflow with the same name already exists in the destination portal, the app will append a progressive number sequence starting with -1 after the workflow name in order to complete the migration.
- Existing enrollments, and enrollment history are unable to be migrated due to HubSpot API limitations. If necessary you should adjust your workflows to account for this before activating them.
- The app performs an automatic data mapping that attempts to accurately map assets referenced in Workflow filters and actions.
- In order for this mapping to occur, you must migrate the items referenced in workflows. For example, if a workflow references a form, you must also use our application to replicate or migrate the form in order for the mapping to complete.
- Certain filters and actions may need to be updated post-migration in the target portal. If a workflow contains a reference to an item that we did not migrate, the app will be unable to map and reference the associated item. If you are unable to migrate associated items with the Workflow will still migrate, but cannot be enabled until you resolve the missing reference(s).
- For example if a workflow references an email, the workflow will still migrate but will require an update before it can be activated. See an example of this below.
- For example if a workflow references an email, the workflow will still migrate but will require an update before it can be activated. See an example of this below.
Known Issues with Workflow Migration
- Re-enrollment criteria for workflows currently do not migrate. HubSpot is aware of this and is working on resolving this.
- Goal Lists are not supported
- Workflow folders are not supported
- Business unit assignment is not supported.
Marketing Email Migration
The Marketing Email Migration feature copies and updates your draft and published regular and automated Marketing Emails from one portal into another. Below are some important notes about how this part of the app functions.
- We recommend migrating files alongside Marketing Emails. If you do not do so then any files referenced in a marketing email will still reference the file in the original portal.
- Marketing Email historical send data, and analytics are not migrated.
- Marketing Email Templates are not migrated. You can read about what HubSpot defines as a template here.
- Archived Marketing Emails are not migrated
- Marketing Emails created by the app are always created in the Draft Status
Further information on how this function works can be found in the app Functions section.
HubSpot to HubSpot Migrator
The HubSpot to HubSpot Migrator is a version of the Portal Migration Suite of apps that migrates both the Schema and Data of one HubSpot Portal into another one. An example of a Schema would be the all of the Contact properties. An example of "Data" would be all of your contact records.
Important Notes- HubSpot to HubSpot Migrator
During the migration process, Owners of the Target HubSpot will have all of their relevant data associated with them. In this process, unless otherwise configured in the HubSpot portal itself, the user can potentially receive a massive amount of emails informing them of new data being assigned to them. It may be a good idea to either change this configuration beforehand on the Target HubSpot portal, or to warn your users of the upcoming emails. You can see how to change your notifications here
It is very common that you will find the need to clean the destination portal of duplicates or fields that are no longer needed after you migrate so you should plan to do that. It is also common that when you are migrating large volumes of data that some records may not be able to migrate due to various reasons such as improper characters and duplicate data. By using our tool you accept that you understand this can occur.
Do not feel the need to re-create custom properties or pipelines before initiating the migration, the tool will do that for you and if you attempt to do it yourself first you may experience errors during the migration process.
The "Rollup" type of custom calculation properties cannot be created via the HubSpot APIS, and because of this our application cannot migrate them.
The "Property Sync" type of custom properties cannot be migrated or replicated via the HubSpot APIS due to deficiencies in how the HubSpot APIS return information about this property type.
Custom Call/Meeting types cannot be migrated due to API limitations. However if the Custom Call/Meeting types from the source portal are created in the destination portal prior to running the migrator the data will map correctly to those Custom Call/Meeting types.
If you are interested in migrating to a specific business unit you will need to use the Enterprise version of the app.
If you are using a currency in the Source portal please make sure that same currency is enabled in the destination portal prior to the migration. Otherwise certain pieces of data may fail to migrate. For example if you have line items in the EUR currency in the source portal, and EUR is not enabled as a currency in the destination portal, if you attempt the migration those records will fail to migrate.
Selective Sync
Selective sync is a function of the app that allows you to enroll and unenroll specific records from the migration.
A property labeled "Enable Sync to Portal Id ###########" will be created in the source portal for the chosen selective sync objects. When this property is set to "True" or checked, the selected records will be enrolled to migrate the portal specified in the label.
You can mass select records for enrollment during the configuration process of the migration, or at a later time before running the migration by bulk editing records.
Setup and Activation - HubSpot to HubSpot Migrator
- After adding the HubSpot to HubSpot Migrator to your cart on, you will be taken to this page:
- The “Authorize Source HubSpot” button will allow you to connect your Source HubSpot portal to the application. Reminder, the Source HubSpot Portal is where your data flows out from.
- The “Authorize Target HubSpot” button will allow you to connect your Target HubSpot portal to the application. Reminder, the Target HubSpot Portal is where your data will go.
- After these two connections are made, the “Continue to Checkout” option will be clickable. Please click this button to continue onwards to payment.
- You can visit and select the HubSpot to HubSpot Migrator app to initiate and view the current status of your migration.
- The migration will usually complete in 24 hours, but may take longer depending on the amount of data your Source HubSpot portal contains. You will receive an email informing you of the completion of your migration once it is done.
- During the process of migration, please refrain from making drastic changes to the Source HubSpot portal or the destination portal. Any changes made on the Source HubSpot portal, depending on the time of the change and the progress of the migration, may not be reflected on the Target HubSpot portal.
HubSpot Schema Replicator
The HubSpot Schema Replicator is a version of the Portal Migration Suite of apps that only replicates the Schema/Setup of a HubSpot portal from one portal into another. It does not migrate data, for example this version of the application will migrate all of your Contact properties but it will not migrate your Contact data.
Important Notes - HubSpot Schema Replicator
The "Rollup" type of calculation properties cannot be created via the HubSpot APIS, and because of this our application cannot replicate them.
The "Property Sync" type of custom properties cannot be migrated or replicated via the HubSpot APIS due to deficiencies in how the HubSpot APIS return information about this property type.
If you are using a currency in the Source portal please make sure that same currency is enabled in the destination portal prior to the replication. Otherwise certain properties may fail to migrate. For example if you have a calculation property that references the EUR currency in the source portal, and EUR is not enabled as a currency in the destination portal, if you attempt the replication that calculation property would fail to replicate.
Currently this version of the application cannot replicate, call/meeting types, reports, and dashboards but we are working on adding this functionality as soon as the authorized and secure public API's for it are made available.
Setup and Activation - HubSpot Schema Replicator
- After adding the HubSpot Schema Replicator to your cart on, you will be taken to this page:
- The “Authorize Source HubSpot” button will allow you to connect your Source HubSpot portal to the application. Reminder, the Source HubSpot Portal is where your schemas are copied from.
- The “Authorize Target HubSpot” button will allow you to connect your Target HubSpot portal to the application. Reminder, the Target HubSpot Portal is where your schemas will copy too.
- After these two connections are made, the “Continue” option will be clickable. Please click this button to continue onwards to the configuration screen.
- On the configuration screen you can check which schemas you do and do not want to replicate. Once you are ready click the "Continue to Checkout" button.
- You can visit and select the Schema Replicator to initiate app to view the current status of your replication.
- The schema replication will complete in about 15 minutes or less, but may take longer depending on the amount of schemas you replicate. You will receive an email informing you of the completion of your schema replication once it is done.
- During the process of replication, please refrain from making drastic structural changes to the Source HubSpot portal or the destination portal. Any changes made on the Source HubSpot portal, depending on the time of the change and the progress of the migration, may not be reflected on the Target HubSpot portal.
HubSpot Portal Toolkit
The HubSpot Portal Toolkit is the flagship version of the Portal Migration Suite of apps. Designed to allow you to easily perform an unlimited amount of data migrations as often as you would like. Its perfect for merging portals, creating change sets, testing apps in dev accounts, or deploying templated sets of data to multiple portals.
Important Notes - HubSpot Portal Toolkit
During the migration process, Owners of the Target HubSpot will have all of their relevant data associated with them. In this process, unless otherwise configured in the HubSpot portal itself, the user can potentially receive a large amount of emails informing them of new data being assigned to them. It may be a good idea to either change this configuration beforehand on the Target HubSpot portal, or to warn your users of the upcoming emails. You can see how to change your notifications here
It is very common that you will find the need to clean the destination portal of duplicates or fields that are no longer needed after you migrate so you should plan to do that. It is also common that when you are migrating large volumes of data that some records may not be able to migrate due to various reasons such as improper characters and duplicate data. By using our tool you accept that you understand this can occur.
Do not feel the need to re-create custom properties or pipelines before initiating the migration, the tool will do that for you and if you attempt to do it yourself first you may experience errors during the migration process.
The "Rollup" type of custom calculation properties cannot be created via the HubSpot APIS, and because of this our application cannot migrate them.
The "Property Sync" type of custom properties cannot be migrated or replicated via the HubSpot APIS due to deficiencies in how the HubSpot APIS return information about this property type.
Custom Call/Meeting types cannot be migrated due to API limitations. However if the Custom Call/Meeting types from the source portal are created in the destination portal prior to running the migrator the data will map correctly to those Custom Call/Meeting types.
If you are using a currency in the Source portal please make sure that same currency is enabled in the destination portal prior to the migration. Otherwise certain pieces of data may fail to migrate. For example if you have line items in the EUR currency in the source portal, and EUR is not enabled as a currency in the destination portal, if you attempt the migration those records will fail to migrate.
Selective Sync
Selective sync is a function of the app that allows you to enroll and unenroll specific records from the migration.
A property labeled "Enable Sync to Portal Id ###########" will be created in the source portal for the chosen selective sync objects. When this property is set to "True" or checked, the selected records will be enrolled to migrate the portal specified in the label.
You can mass select records for enrollment during the configuration process of the migration, or at a later time before running the migration by bulk editing records.
Delta Migration
The Portal Toolkit allows for delta migrations. This allows you to only migrate records that have been updated or created from the selected date onwards.
The app supports Delta Migrations for the following data types
- Contacts
- Companies
- Deals
- Tickets
- Products
- Line Items
- Custom Objects
- Engagements
- Forms
- Lists
Staging Mode
If you enable staging mode, all users/owners will be migrated with appended to their email address. This is useful when setting up developer/staging environments where you want to accurately create a full copy of your data, and not impact any of your HubSpot users. If staging mode is disabled then users/owners will be created normally.
Setup and Activation
- Migration Name
- Full Name
- Notification Email

HubSpot Portal Sync
Important Notes - HubSpot Portal Sync
During the sync process, users in the Target HubSpot may have relevant data associated with them. In this process, unless otherwise configured in the HubSpot portal itself, the user can potentially receive emails informing them of new data being assigned to them. It may be a good idea to either change this configuration beforehand on the Target HubSpot portal, or to inform your users of the email notifications. You can see how to change your notifications here
Do not feel the need to re-create custom properties or pipelines before initiating the sync, the tool will do that for you and if you attempt to do it yourself first you may experience errors during the sync process.
The "Rollup" type of custom calculation properties cannot be created via the HubSpot APIS, and because of this our application cannot sync them.
The "Property Sync" type of custom properties cannot be migrated or replicated via the HubSpot APIS due to deficiencies in how the HubSpot APIS return information about this property type.
Custom Call/Meeting types cannot be synced due to API limitations. However if the Custom Call/Meeting types from the source portal are created in the destination portal at any point during the sync the data will map correctly to those Custom Call/Meeting types.
If you are using a currency in the Source portal please make sure that same currency is enabled in the destination portal. Otherwise certain pieces of data may fail to sync. For example if you have line items in the EUR currency in the source portal, and EUR is not enabled as a currency in the destination portal, if you attempt the sync those records will fail to sync.
Selective Sync
Selective sync is a function of the Portal Sync app that allows you to enroll and unenroll specific records from the sync.
A property labeled "Enable Sync to Portal Id ###########" will be created in the source portal for the chosen selective sync objects. When this property is set to "True" or checked, the selected records will be enrolled in the Portal Sync to the portal specified in the label.
You can mass select records for enrollment during the configuration process of the sync, or at a later time after the initial sync by bulk editing records.
You can also manually select records for enrollment into the sync by adding that property to the object page layout in HubSpot. Additionally you can automatically enroll records in the sync based on conditions you set with a workflow created in the source portal. Our team is able to assist you in developing this workflow if you request help during onboarding.
Portal Sync Setup and Activation
To setup a new Portal Sync you must first visit and click Get Started.
You will then be prompted to start the configuration your portal sync.
Please go through the steps and follow the instructions on screen. Upon completion of this process the configuration will save and you will be prompted to enter payment information before the sync can be activated.
Although Portal Sync is configured during the sign up process, it can be edited easily later in the user panel as shown below.
The user panel shown above is available for active subscriptions and can be found in the "My App Information" section of your account page. From there, you can start, stop, edit, and restart your Portal Sync on demand.
HubSpot Beta API's
This app utilizes the following beta API's:
- Workflows
The ability to replicate and migrate Workflows is powered by the beta API listed below.
To read more about Beta APIS and their inclusion in our service please visit this page.
How to Uninstall the App
*Do not perform these step until you are done using the Portal Migration Suite.
1. Open up your Source or Destination HubSpot Portal. In the top right section of HubSpot click on the house icon.
2. A menu will drop down. Click on the Connected apps link.

3. Then click on the actions button for the HubSpot to HubSpot migration app. And click uninstall.

4. Perform this same sequence in the remaining Source or Destination portal to finish uninstalling the app.
App Functions
Object Type |
Process |
Errors, Duplicates, and Conditions |
Owners |
The emails of the Source HubSpot Owners will be used to create new users in the Target HubSpot portal. These new users will only have default privileges, and will need to be given their correct levels of permission. The application creates owners/users from the source portal as View Only users in the destination portal if they do not already exist in the destination. It does not create or consume HubSpot seats and will not cause a billing event to occur. |
Folders |
The folders of the Source HubSpot will be copied and created in the Target HubSpot. The names and path of the folders will remain the same. Two extra folders named “root” and “source_hubspot_attachments” will be created. The “source_hubspot_attachments” will contain files from the Source HubSpot that are of HIDDEN_PRIVATE status. These include attachments of objects like deals, companies, and engagements. |
Files |
Files from the Source HubSpot will be downloaded directly from the Source HubSpot into the Target HubSpot. The Migrator Application will not store any files. |
Custom Properties |
Custom Properties from Deals, Products, Line Items, Tickets, Contacts, and Companies will be transferred from the Source HubSpot to the Target HubSpot.
*More Details about Custom Property Migration Conditions listed at the bottom of this page. |
Pipelines |
Pipelines from Deals, and Tickets will be transferred from the Source HubSpot to the Target HubSpot.
With the Pro, Enterprise, Portal Toolkit, and Portal Sync versions of the app you can filter which pipelines you want to migrate from the source and the app will only migrate those pipelines and the deals within them. |
Deals |
Deals from the Source HubSpot portal will be transferred over to the Target HubSpot portal. All associations to other objects will be retained.
Deal Splits are automatically migrated in all versions of the application. |
Products |
Products from the Source HubSpot portal will be transferred over to the Target HubSpot portal. All associations to other objects will be retained. |
Line Items |
Line Items from the Source HubSpot portal will be transferred over to the Target HubSpot portal. All associations to other objects will be retained. |
Tickets |
Tickets from the Source HubSpot portal will be transferred over to the Target HubSpot portal. All associations to other objects will be retained. |
Companies |
Companies from the Source HubSpot portal will be transferred over to the Target HubSpot portal. All associations to other objects will be retained. |
Contacts |
Contacts from the Source HubSpot portal will be transferred over to the Target HubSpot portal. All associations to other objects will be retained. Contacts are mapped and merged using the contact email address. Contacts without an email address will migrate, but will not merge into any existing contact in the destination. In the event that the Source HubSpot has a Contact with a Custom Property with values that are invalid for the Custom Property type (ex. Having the value “yes” for a boolean type field), then the contract will be transferred without the invalid property in question. |
Leads |
Leads and the Lead Pipeline from the Source HubSpot portal will be transferred over to the Target HubSpot portal. Associations to Contacts and Companies will be maintained.
Leads must be associated to a contact or company in order to exist. The application requires you to migrate companies or contacts in order to migrate leads. |
Lists |
Active and Static Lists will migrate from the Source to the Target Portal. This includes Contact Lists, Deal Lists, Company Lists, and Custom Object Lists |
Forms (Legacy Schemas Only) |
All Legacy Form types will migrate from the source to the target portal. There is a new Beta form builder available in HubSpot as of 8/1/2024 and forms created by this beta are not supported at this time.
No form submissions are migrated. We only migrate the form setup. |
Engagements (Notes, Meetings, Tasks, Emails, Calls, SMS, Postal Mail) |
All Engagements related to Contacts, Companies, Deals, and Tickets will migrate from the source to the Target Portal. |
Marketing Emails |
Draft and Published Regular and Automated Marketing emails will migrate from the Source to the Target Portal |
Custom Objects |
All Custom Objects Schemas, Properties, Data, and Associations will migrate from the Source to the Target portal. |
Business Units |
With the Enterprise, Portal Toolkit, and Portal Sync versions of the app you can filter which business units you wish to migrate from and too.
Business Units themselves are not migrated as it is not possible to create a new Business Unit via APIs. |
Currencies |
Currency settings are replicated from the source into the destination portal.
If we are unable to migrate currencies this does not affect the integrity of your data. |
Associations |
Associations between records will migrate as will association labels. |
Property Migration Details
The internal ID of properties is used as the key to map properties.
Property exists in Destination |
Property exists in Source |
Type(s) |
Expected Action |
True |
False |
any |
Any new Contact created as a result of migration from the Source portal have the default value from the destination set for this property |
False |
True |
any |
New Property created. |
True |
True |
Same type/Internal Id Match |
*Example* If the value options are a List, these are merged to a single list covering all options in both Portals. |
True |
True |
Different Type/Internal Id Match |
Property will fail to migrate If the API name is the exact same in the Source and Destination portals but the Type is different. |
True |
True |
Different Label, Same Type / Internal Id match |
Label change will be migrated. The rest of the data will be migrated normally. *Example* If the Picklist property is named Industry in the source, and Vertical in the destination but the internal name matches, the Property Label will be renamed to Industry. The picklist options are merged to a single list covering all options in both Portals. |
True |
True |
Same Label, Same Type / Internal Id Mismatch |
Property will fail to migrate, because we cannot create a property with the same unique label twice. |
True |
True |
Same Label, Same Type/ Internal Id Match/ Property in destination is archived |
Property will fail to migrate, if the mapped property in the destination portal is in the archived properties section. To resolve and allow for this property to migrate, either delete the archived property or restore it. |