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HubSpot Migrator FAQ

I am trying to purchase the HubSpot to HubSpot Migrator but it is only letting me authenticate one portal? How do I connect both HubSpot accounts to your app? I cannot see both HubSpot portals when I select the authorize button.

You need a single HubSpot user to have access to both accounts/portals as a Super Admin. HubSpot user accounts are defined by the email address you use to login. And they can be added to multiple HubSpot accounts.

We recommend logging into your destination portal, and adding the user that you use to log into the source portal as a Super Admin in the Destination portal. Then you can log into that user account and authenticate our app to both HubSpot portals/accounts. As that user now has access to both HubSpot portals/accounts it will be able to complete the authentication process. 

In summary you need a single user in both the source and destination portal. And that user must be a super administrator in both. You can follow the instructions linked below to see how to add users to HubSpot.


Does the HubSpot to HubSpot Migrator offer a way to filter/specify which data is migrated, or exclude certain data, if you don't want everything going over to the new portal? 

The HubSpot to HubSpot Migrator Pro and Enterprise versions allows for filtering. You can try out the configurator to see if it meets your needs here

Select the Pro or Enterprise versions and click get started to try out the migration configurator.


Does it also offer a way to test the migrator on a small sample of data first, to be sure everything is migrating as expected before turning on for the entire portal? 

We do not offer sample or test migrations for free. If you would like to see how the app works, we recommend using the Schema Replicator as it uses the same technology as the migrator and has a free 14 day trial.


Also wondering if you or anyone in the Community have any suggestions for bringing reports, dashboard, over from one portal to another? Is the only option to manually rebuild in the new portal? 

These assets are not migrated by our portal migrator app as it is not possible to do so at this time with the current public HubSpot API's.


Can we transport over sent emails with their historic data? 

One to one emails are migrated, but not marketing emails send history.


Can we transport over templates/content of the emails? 

We can migrate and replicate Marketing Emails but not Marketing Email Templates.


What data will migrate?

The following data will be migrated from the Source Portal to the Target Portal:

  • Workflows
  • Marketing Emails
  • Business Unit Assignment
  • Contacts
  • Companies
  • Leads
  • Deals
  • Deal Splits
  • Tickets
  • Custom Objects
  • Pipelines
  • Owners/Users
  • Engagements (Meetings, Tasks, Notes, Calls, Emails, SMS, Postal Mail)
  • Custom Properties for all Objects
  • Lists
  • Forms (Schema Only)
  • Associations between all records and Custom Association Labels
  • Line Items/Products
  • Files/Attachments


What data will NOT be migrated?

The following components of HubSpot are not covered by the data migration due to API limitations:

  • Campaign data
  • Historical marketing email Sends
  • Historical web traffic data
  • Properties with the same name but a different type in each portal
  • Active lists that reference things that do not exist in the destination portal post migration.
  • Deactivated users that still own records
  • CTAs
  • Landing Pages
  • Blogs
  • Website Pages
  • Sales Sequences
  • Snippets
  • Quotes
  • Ready to be sent emails in Draft Mode
  • Forms submissions data
  • Reports
  • Dashboards
  • Campaigns
  • Views
  • Permissions
  • Property change history
  • Comments on Engagement records